Fábiánné Fellegi, Anna

Member of the orchestra since September 2012. Besides the BDO, she performs in different pop bands as a singer or a violinist.
Her favourite composers are Bach, Mozart, Bartók and many others. She cannot pick a favourite composition. It is easy for her to find the moment in a current piece which becomes her favourite.

She got her aptitude for music from her parents.  Her mother was a violin teacher, her father a photographer.  She was directed to this profession by a love for music and a sense of beauty inherited from her parents. She lives with her husband in Budapest, they have been married for 8 years. Their son, Huba turns 4 in November.

I find the cultivation of human relations very important, I try to spend as much time with my family and friends as it’s possible. In my free time I usually sing. It has been my desire and joy for a long time, and I try to improve myself in this area as well. The act of creation makes me really happy.  My other hobby consists in doing buns for weddings and for other special occasions.
In the BDO I have the possibility to work with fantastic artists, the repertoire is versatile, the community is good, and every concert is a huge experience for me. I’m pleased to be a member of a highly professional orchestra like this.
On the occasion of our 25th anniversary I hope everybody recognizes the healing power of music in the rushing world and feels the need for relaxation, for beauty and for the mystical moments that lives in music, because the soul needs it.”